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The Value of Communicology and Communication Science
What is the value of communicology? For many, the term sounds like a scholarly interpretation of the term communication. It’s much more than that. In this podcast, Dr. Richard Lanigan, distinguished scholar and professor of communicology, shares insights from his scholarly work on the value of communicology as well as his research into semiotics, phenomenology and philosophies surrounding communication studies.
Dr. Richard Lanigan
Richard L. Lanigan (rlanigan@mac.com) is Executive Director and Laureate Fellow for the International Communicology Institute, Washington, DC, USA.
He was granted the Ph.D. at age 25 (the first person to complete courses, dissertation, and two foreign languages in two years), and, appointed Full Professor at age 35. Currently he is University Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Communicology (Emeritus), Dept. of Speech. Communication, School of Communication, Southern Illinois University, USA where he completed forty-one years of university teaching and research in 2009. As a member of the Graduate School at SIU, he directed 35 Ph.D. dissertations and served as an external examiner (abroad and in the USA) for an additional 64 doctoral dissertations. In 2000 he became founding Executive Director, of the International Communicology Institute [ 国 际 交 流 学 学 会 ] at SIU, an internet research and conference coordination group (http://www.communicology.org), now located at Capitol Hill Tower, Washington, DC, USA. In 2017, he was elected an ICI Laureate Fellow.
He is past Vice President of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, and now serves on the IASS Executive Committee representing the USA. On request by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs, he served as a Senior Fulbright Fellow (P.R. China 1996, Cross-Cultural Communication) at Sichuan Union University in Chengdu City, and again as a Senior Fulbright Program Specialist (Canada 2007, Intercultural Communication) at Brock University to assist the Vice President for
Research and International Affairs with Chinese student instruction. He was the first communication scholar invited to lecture at CASS, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, PR China (2 March 2004). He is an elected Fellow of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (1998).
In 2012, he was elected a Fellow of the Polish Academy of Science (Philology). He is a past President (1994) of the Semiotic Society of America and past Editor (10 years) of The American Journal of Semiotics. He was Guest Editor and contributed to Semiotica (Vol. 41: “Semiotics and Phenomenology” 1982); and, Schützian Research (Vol. 3: “Phenomenology of the Human Sciences”, 2011).
He is an elected member of the American Philosophical Association. He was the founding Chair of the Philosophy of Communication Division (#9) of the International Communication Association (First World Congress on Communication Science, Berlin, Germany, 1977; re-elected Chair in 1978, 1979, 1980).He was a founding member of the Philosophy of Communication Division of the National Communication Association (USA). His academic awards include: Winchell Research Award (2013) of the General Semantics Institute (USA), International Scholar Award in Philosophy of Communication (2011), Duquesne University, Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding Scholar Award (1999), National Communication Association (USA) Spotlight on Scholarship Award (1995), Delta Award for Scholarship (1988), S.I.U. He was twice an Andrew Mellon Fellow at Vanderbilt University (Linguistics 1981; Philosophy 1984).
His Publications include: The Human Science of Communicology (Duquesne University Press 1992). Phenomenology of Communication (Duquesne University Press 1988); Semiotic Phenomenology of Rhetoric (University Press of America 1984); Speech Act Phenomenology (Martinus Nijhoff 1977); Speaking and Semiology (Mouton 1972; 2nd ed. 1991); He has authored 49 Book Chapters, 78 Journal Articles (print and electronic), 22 Encyclopedia Entries, 180 academic Conference Papers, and 167 Invited Public Lectures in some 30 countries. He serves on the Editorial, Scientific, or Advisory Board of 18 international journals and 3 book series.
Topics Dr. Lanigan discussed on the podcast:
- Differences and a history of communication studies disciplines
- What is Communicology?
- Explanation of Phenomenology
- An entrance in to Semiotics
- The value of communicology
- And much more…
I hope the podcast is helpful to you!

- Dr. Lanigan’s Academia.edu page
- Dr. Lanigan’s Academic CV
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